Carry on where you once gave up and your success will undoubtedly follow!
Dr. Michèl Gleich is an award winning Personal Trainer, successful international athlete, extreme-sport eventer, writer, nutritionist, company founder and radio-expert in all things surrounding fitness and food. For more than twelve years he served the German Army as a Infantry Officer and Captain. Responsible for more than 300 solidiers and their training, education of challenging situations.
Once he successfully completed twelve years, he decided he would take on a new challenge by working for a global company and took on his new role as Manager to help educate the aspiring managers and prepare them for thier responsibilities and challenges. After some years, from one day to the next, Dr. Gleich decided he would resign from a well paid, secure job to follow his real passion and desire, and became the founder of his successful business which you see today: Gleich Personal Training. With a vast fundemental academic knowledge and his business acumen he brings a unique originality to the way he looks at fitness. He will find your limits and push them far beyond without giving you the feeling that you can not cope. Promise!